Discover 5 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Greece through some interviews. POV Clock – Persistence of vision clock School Bullying Logo in Education: A Community of Practice and Learning Digital space-sensitive game within the city Game Design
National Toolkits
The National Toolkits will spread “how to do” and examples of “what to do” in the 8 national languages, to support teachers wishing to implement the approaches of the project in their own country. Each Toolkit will focus on students’ media competencies and on the creative use of the new media and apps aiming mainly to an asset acquisition of skills and knowledge, with key concepts. Partners will describe the general frame: national curriculum, national plans for school, laws and directives and specific instructions for teachers linked to the specificity of their national contest. The toolkit focuses on “digital atelier” and provides an introductory part in which objectives will be enucleated, with a proposal of a general structure of the “digital atelier”, the minimum requirements to work. Every toolkit will present 15 digital ateliers: 5 domestic cases and 10 digital ateliers chosen from the experiments of the partners, which are closer and achievable in the reference of the national context.
In order to propose an inventory about the experimentations in media education and ICT, we investigated 5 best practices in ICT in the 8 countries and analyzed these data in a comparative educational approach to better place the innovation of the digital atelier at the national level.

Best Practices Czech Republic
Discover 5 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Czech Republic through some interviews. Animation and Digital Photography Paintings and drawings according to large format projections of sculptures from the exhibition Neklidná Figura Photographic art games with a mobile phone realized in the exhibition of photographer Milota Photographic […]

Best Practices Italy
Discover 5 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Italy through some interviews. Bugbits and Soundscapes Projects Augmented Reality in Museo Africano (Bergamo) The Puzzle SmartPhone project In each country involved in the project a 16-hour training was organized in order to share what was done in the […]

Best Practices Poland
Discover 5 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Poland through some interviews. Bezpieczna e-Szkoła – Safe e-School Szkoła z Klasą 2.0 – School with Class 2.0 Mediaspołecznicy – Media Activists Media Lab Warszawa – Media Lab Warsaw Kod Pokoleń – Generation Code

Best Practices Portugal
Discover 5 of the most innovative practices in the field of ICT, culture and education in Portugal through some interviews. Project MANEELE Promoting Changes in Learning – Gulbenkian XXI School Learning Communities EBA: A Caminho da Liderança/Schools Alentejo: The Path of Leadership MORE – MObile Resources on Education: let’s learn with each other Mission Explore […]